Teacher Crap

Shakin Bones Time…I have been in the field of Early Childhood for over 36 years. Each year I have attempted to get people in the field to stop doing “Teacher Crap” with children. It still has not happened so therefore my annual “Teacher Crap” Holiday Rant. If you believe that Process is more important than Product; that the child should drive the Curriculum; and that the Environment should be child led you cannot do the following and call yourself PLAY BASE!
Peppermint play dough
Red or green colored play dough
Evergreen trees at the easel
Red and green paint only
Holiday hand Prints
Holiday gifts
Card making
Precut/predrawn decorations
Marshmallow snowmen
Paper plate reindeer
Do I need to go on? Yes, I am a “Play Purist”. Avoid telling me that parents want it, that doing simple crafts once and awhile is okay, that children like it. If you decide to do Teacher Crap then stop calling your program Play Base and I will stop nagging you….
Thanks for my annual Rant.