
Shakin Bones Time… if you believe, and I hope you do, that you are responsible for “accepting every child that shows up at your door. ” That means:
I accept children who need to run both indoors and outdoors
I accept children who need to push, shove and hit
I accept children who need to use a “loud” voice
I accept children who need to use language that you might feel uncomfortable with
I accept children who need to “pick their noses”
I accept children who need to avoid cleaning up
I accept children who need to be honest
Some people in the field of early childhood state “I accept every child that shows up at my door” but practices do not reflect that when they say:
“No Running inside”
“No hitting your friends”
“No loud voices”
“No using that language here”
“No picking your nose it is not a good thing”
“No playing unless you clean up”
“No calling people names”
So the question is, “Do we really accept all children or just the ones we like?”