Do We Really Accept?
Shakin Bones Time…People in the field of Early Childhood often say, “I accept all children in my program” Is that really put to practice?
I am still hearing the following statements:
“Use Your Inside Voice” This assumes that children who use their “inside voices” are better than children who do not? If you are going to accept all children you would also have to say, “Use your Outside Voice” inside.
“I am Looking for children who are picking up” This assumes that children who “pick up, or clean up” are better than children who decide not to? If you are going to make this statement than you would also have to say, “I am looking for children who decided not to pick up”.
“I am looking for Good Listeners” This assumes that children who are listening to the adult are better than children who decide not to. This assumes that the adult has something relevant to say. If you are going to make this statement than you would also have to say, “I am looking for children who decide not to Listen”
“Use Your Walking Feet” This assumes that children who walk are better than children who run. If you are going to make this statement than you would also have to say, “Use Your Running Feet” inside.
“I am looking for helper friends” This assumes that children who help, to do whatever, are better than children who decide not to and the bigger assumption is they are friends. If you are going to make this statement than you would also have to say, “I am looking for children who have decided not to help”
The question becomes,” Do we really treat all children the same?” “Do we really accept all children?” Or “Do we really like some children better than others?”