Tis the Season...
Shakin Bones…Why is it that people who work in the field and claim to be Play Base at Holiday Times resort to “Teacher Crap”? Stop blaming it on parents/guardians saying they want it or its part of our diversity program and start asking the following questions.
· When is the last time you heard a child ask to wear a pilgrim hat? “What the hell is a pilgrim?”
· When is the last time you heard a child ask to do a week of “What I Am Thankful for”?
· When is the last time you heard a child ask to play with peppermint play dough?
· When is the last time you heard a child ask only to paint with red or green?
· When is the last time you heard a child ask to make a handprint ornament?
· When is the last time you heard a child ask that their school be turned into a “winter wonderland’?
· When is the last time you heard a child ask to stop, whatever they are playing with, to make a gift for someone?
In my thirty-six plus years working in the field of early childhood I have never had a child ask any of the questions above. If I did my question to the child is “What do we need to make that happen?”
Happy Holidays ~
