"I Have Been Waiting For You"
Shakin Bones Time… My friend and mentor Bev Bos helped me create a welcoming to all children that I use. “I Have Been Waiting for You”. One time Arick arrived in the morning and I greeted him with, “I have been waiting for you Arick”. Arick asked, “How long would you wait?” My response was, “Forever”. This is more then a greeting it is a message that I care and have prepared a place for you.
As children arrive, upon the reopening of some of the early childhood programs, we need to think about what this message means to children.
Because of the COVID-19 truly our world will be different. It is important, as we prepare for those changes, that we still keep in mind what is appropriate for young children. Some of the changes being suggested that we make in our programs are not developmentally appropriate and we are going to have to make important decisions/actions and sometimes those actions will require us to take a STAND!
Just a reminder of some of those changes that are not appropriate:
Adults, who work with infants and toddlers wearing masks. (Reminding you that children at this age do not see the person behind the mask.)
Requiring young children to wear masks (unless they are playing cops and robbers).
Social Distancing for young children. (They will and need to play in close proximity to each other. This age child often plays in “herds”).
Removing loose parts. (It is what children need to be creative)
Academics to “catch children up”. Play is still the foundation for all learning.
This does not mean that adults won’t be responsible about sanitizing and keeping our place clean
and safe. Lets just not forget what “I Have Been Waiting for You” means.

This does not mean that adults won’t be responsible about sanitizing and keeping our place clean and safe. Lets just not forget what “I Have Been Waiting for You” means.